About Us
Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide a Christ-centered stretching based system that equips instructors and participants in biblical holistic practices for wholeness and healing.
Vision Statement: We see a movement of WholyFit Certified Instructors personally modeling the value of wholeness attained only through faith in Jesus Christ, who help others pursue wellness following the teachings of God’s Word.
Stretch Your Faith
Move to Scripture as God’s Word moves in you. The Bible is healing to body, soul and spirit because Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Creator of all. WholyFit Certification is presented from a biblical worldview, prioritizing spiritual wholeness and wellness which comes through Christ alone, and equips leaders with the science of the WholyFit branded exercise system.
WholyFit is a ‘Bible Study In Motion’ offered anywhere: home with friends, in homeschool, bible studies, care groups, etc. WholyFit certification equips Christian leaders to teach this original, biblically based stretching system with Scripture memorization. Eternal wellness is reconciliation to God through Christ alone, and only through Him, can we be whole and fit for the Kingdom.
Why WholyFit, Not Yoga?
About Certification
How fast can I get certified?
The one-semester course is online 24 hours a day so you can study and practice on your own schedule. Initial certification in the basics takes 15 weeks to complete if you use all the resources available to you. Connect with your WholyFit Mentor Trainer’s 12 meetings, take your pre-recorded online classes and connect to your private online study groups with essential guides.
What Will I Learn?
“You will learn practical application and theory of WholyFit to teach a basic, multi-layer WholyFit session, for groups or personal training one on one. You will be able to teach 142 exercises to others, after learning the WholyFit Armor of God routine, the first of many branded WholyFit “Heirlooms.” You will learn WholyFit’s branded 5 phase system, and our unique WholyFit “layering” teaching technology. You will also learn to apply fitness theory and practice, biomechanics and exercise safety, specifically to WholyFit exercises.
Course Contents:
- group exercise teaching methodology for WholyFit
- WholyFit exercise safety and technique
- anatomy, physiology of exercise for WholyFit
- spiritual leadership
Do I have to have experience?
If you are a fitness expert, you will love the fitness principles, anatomy and biomechanics of WholyFit. You will recognize immediately that WholyFit is more effective and safer than conventional exercise. And if you are not an exercise expert, you will be! WholyFit is an original system, and that requires everyone to start at the same place: the beginning; So it doesn’t matter if you have lots of fitness industry experience or a little. All body types, fitness levels and ages are welcome.
Is WholyFit recommended by the Christian community?
WholyFit is recommended in Charisma Magazine by Mike Shreve, Pastor and by churches everywhere WholyFit instructors teach. See all our testimonials. Click here.
More Questions? We are here to support you!
Email Kym at support@wholyfit.org
Visit us on YouTube.com/WholyFit or Rumble.com/WholyFit.
Check out our video selection on the Store page.
WholyFit Values
Proclaim Truth
For the truth about yoga, click here. We seek to proclaim the truth about who Jesus is -God Almighty; what He did for us -died in our place to bring us to God; what Jesus offers -experience Him personally by believing His Word. By memorizing Scripture through exercise, we can put feet on God’s Word, apply it to our lives and walk the Word. God’s Word is living and active. God’s Word is truth. We move in God’s Word as God’s Word moves in us!
Professional People
WholyFit was founded by industry certified fitness professional Laura Monica, who has over 3 decades of group fitness and personal training experience in gyms, churches, and studios, with much continuing education in her fields of expertise including fitness, homeschooling training and teaching, teaching P.E. to children and adults and has discipleship/Christian leadership training. Laura is author of all WholyFit certification curriculum which trains Christian fitness professionals, with the goal of facilitating the upstart of stretching programs in their communities. WholyFit instructors are the best in the fitness industry! That’s why they draw people from the community into churches for classes. WholyFit is refreshingly original, a unique, branded system. Our well-trained, caring fitness professionals demonstrate Christ-like character which is a valued commodity in any fitness environment! Ongoing, WholyFit-specific continuing education is dripped automatically accessible 24 hours/day to certified WholyFit ministry partners to help them master the system.
Proven Methods
WholyFit teaches only evidence-based, well researched, and proven exercise science. WholyFit’s exercise technique and safety concepts follow the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine and abide by fitness industry standards. All WholyFit systems contain exercises built from biomechanics up, engineered for specific fitness benefits. Practitioners will get results 5 times faster with WholyFit than by conventional fitness methods.
Proper Pace
Laura says, “I used to teach swimming to little kids. I played games with them on the steps, like blowing bubbles. We didn’t even swim at first! I saw another swim instructor throw a kid in the water to learn – that is cruel and works against God’s creation principles. Gradual is better. Anyway, guess who got more kids to swim: him or me? Yep. Me. Same with fitness… Our certification contains trade secrets for a multi-layer teaching technology which enables group fitness instructors to teach people of many different fitness levels all at once; it also enables the trainer to do targeted personal training with a client of any fitness level. Yes, that’s harder than a one-size-fits all approach, but the effort to treat people as individuals is worth the results. WholyFit’s teaching methodology is an original way of meeting everyone’s needs, bearing one another’s burdens. All WholyFit classes are self-paced and multi-layer, suitable for everyone in the general population. Special needs training is also available as continuing education, to WholyFit ministry partners.
Power of Community
We believe in the power of community because the Bible teaches us that our relationships with Jesus and each other are more important than the work we do. WholyFit is 50% Certification and 95% community – yes that is our mystery math! After initial certification, WholyFit instructors continue to learn more about WholyFit and disciple, minister to and support one another. We are a peculiar and diverse group of people, unafraid of being counter culture, in order to reach people for Jesus and we tend to be pioneer thinkers. Getting there is half the fun and getting there together makes it better! Take a look at how good and pleasant it is for us to do life together in unity! We love group exercise and you will too since it is 300% more effective than working out by yourself.
Personal Relationships
Our continued ministry membership parters provide group support based on the Biblical principle of loving others and prioritizing people. Jesus died for each person and personally cares for each soul and that is why we do too… because we love Jesus and we know that being like Him makes Him happy. We rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to help us grow in the likeness of Christ. We pray for our participants, embracing all the promises of God made available to us through the shed blood of Jesus; restoration based on His resurrection. We share the Bible with our participants, to help fulfill the call to disciple others, because Jesus is coming again. Jesus has all authority and is sovereign. We want to see God’s will and ruling kingship to come into each person’s life on earth as it is in heaven!
Meet Our Team
Kym Pelfrey
WholyFit CEO and
Certification Director
Lisha Watling
WholyFit Marketing &
Creative Director
Laura Monica
WholyFit Founder
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