WholyFit Certification

Join our family, by becoming a Certified WholyFit Instructor: a scripture memorization and fitness system that trains body, soul and spirit. This original flexibility, core, and stress management program will stretch your faith, not just your body, because our focus is to build up the Body of Christ and disciple through the Word.
Move to Scripture as God’s Word moves in you. The Bible is healing to body, soul and spirit because Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Creator of all. WholyFit Certification is presented from a biblical worldview, prioritizing spiritual wholeness and wellness which comes through Christ alone, and equips leaders with the science of the WholyFit branded exercise system.

Why Get Certified?

Our WholyFit Certification course is completed online with the support of a highly qualified and experienced Mentor Trainer. For more details about WholyFit and the course keep scrolling down. We also encourage you to sign up for a one-on-one call with our Director, Kym to answer all your questions!


Certification Course

The course is designed to be completed in just 15 short weeks. You will be able to start using WholyFit to train others in body, soul, and spirit once you reach week nine!

When you sign up for the course, you will be assigned to a Mentor Trainer who will assist you during your journey! They are available to answer your questions and will help you learn our WholyFit postures so that by the time you complete the training, you will be confident to teach your classes.


Monthly Membership

Once you complete the online training, pass the coaching portion with your Mentor Trainer, and submit your practice hours, you will be a Certified WholyFit Instructor.  Very exciting!!

As a Certified Instructor, you will be required to pay the recurring Membership fee of $7.50/month or $90/year to maintain your qualification as a WholyFit Instructor. This membership provides you with access to the WholyFit teaching materials, new routines, monthly online fellowship, news, and more!

Course Breakdown

The WholyFit program is a comprehensive fitness course that intergrates physical exercise, mental wellness, and spiritual growth. Here is a brief breadown of the course.

WEEKS 1- 8

During these introductory weeks, you will explore the basics of anatomy and physioloy of the body and learn the first layer of our posutres.

  • Commit yourself to the ideas that set apart WholyFit ministry.
  • Learn Layer 1 of 42 basic stability postures in the Armor of God Routine (Eph.6).
  • Practice incorporating God’s Word into exercise.
  • Prepare yourself to expose false doctrines, specifically those taught in yoga.
  • Apply proven scientific fitness principles using WholyFit technique and safety guidelines.
  • Develop as an effective leader both spiritually and from a health fitness perspective.
WEEKS 9 - 15

These weeks focus on mastering WholyFit postures and building your confidence to each your own WholyFit classes.

  • Begin mastering the unique WholyFit Branded system.
  • Experience building flexibility and strength with WholyFit methods.
  • Learn to teach multi-layer postures tailored to meet the needs of your participants.
  • Begin to learn and teach advanced postures for those seeking a challenge.

Questions About Certification

For more information and answers to common questions, please visit our FAQ page.

How fast can I get certified?

The course is online, so you can study and practice on your own schedule. Initial certification takes 15 weeks to complete if you use all the resources available to you. Connect with your WholyFit Mentor Trainer’s 12 meetings, take your pre-recorded online classes and connect to your private online study groups with essential guides.

What will I learn?

You will learn practical application and theory of WholyFit to teach a basic, multi-layer WholyFit session,  for groups or personal training one on one. You will be able to teach 142 exercises to others, after learning the WholyFit Armor of God routine, the first of many branded WholyFit “Heirlooms.” You will learn WholyFit’s branded 5 phase system, and our unique WholyFit “layering” teaching technology. You will also learn to apply fitness theory and practice, biomechanics and exercise safety, specifically to WholyFit exercises. 

Course Contents:

    • Group exercise teaching methodology for WholyFit
    • WholyFit exercise safety and technique
    • Anatomy, physiology of exercise for WholyFit
    • Spiritual leadership
Do I have to have experience?

    If you are a fitness expert, you will love the fitness principles, anatomy and biomechanics of WholyFit. You will recognize immediately that WholyFit is more effective and safer than conventional exercise. And if you are not an exercise expert, you will be! WholyFit is an original system, and that requires everyone to start at the same place: the beginning; So it doesn’t matter if you have lots of fitness industry experience or a little. All body types,  fitness levels and ages are welcome.

    More Questions?

      Visit our FAQ page.
      Please also email Kym with any questions you have! 



      The WholyFit program is a comprehensive fitness course that intergrates physical exercise, mental wellness, and spiritual growth. Here is a brief breadown of the course.

      Physiologist endorses WholyFit:

      I specialize in fitness for middle age and older adults. I’m also a clinical exercise physiologist and if you’re thinking about WholyFit, let me tell you, I definitely endorse WholyFit. Here’s why:…When you look at yoga, yoga has some poses and exercises that frankly, are dangerous and you need to be wary…as an exercise physiologist, I look at my clients doing yoga and I’m very concerned about people who have arthritis, osteoporosis,… high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, you name it…there are some very big concerns about doing yoga. Plus… I don’t see alot of evidence coming out supporting the benefits of yoga like we do with some other exercise methods. For WholyFit, the tagline is Better than Yoga and really that’s true because those dangerous movements, some of those bad biomechanic principals, are taken out and replaced with something that’s better… so from the biomechanics standpoint, from the physiology standpoint, and just from the pure fitness standpoint, your’e going to get a better product. So if you’re going to learn it, learn it the right way and WholyFit is the way to go.

      Cody Sipes

      Exercise Physiologist

      “I love Jesus. I heard about WholyFit and thought, this is a combination of everything I love: movement, strengthening stretching, breathing and it’s done to the Word of God. So you’re learning the Word of God; …Your movements are to the Word of God and you do it to worship music… and you’re doing it in a group of people … so its’ a community, it’s also a ministry platform….


      WholyFit Instructor from Australia, background in fitness industry, and massage therapist. In 2011 completed WholyFit certification with Laura in an in person retreat.
      “Laura’s knowledge in the area of exercise, physiology, biomechanics, flexibility and strength training were far above and beyond any of the training I had previously. My journey with Laura Monica and WholyFit over the last 10 years has been from a distance and thankfully Laura has learned and lead our ministry amazingly in the use of technology and online instructing and online learning platforms.”


      “The retreat made everything we were learning online come alive. We met wonderful women, like all these people we don’t usually experience that in every day life…”

      Jill Wright

      “One of the main things i truly truly love about her (Laura Monica’s) training, that I haven’t experienced in other trainings that I’ve taken, is that it’s so thorough. … and even after being a fintess professional for over 30 years, alot of the things …I’ve learned through her, I haven’t learned through other trainings and I’ve been through alot of trainings, I teach alot of formats, and I’m also a personal trainer myself and I have really benefited in a big way from Laura’s training.”

      Bonnie Bonnette

      “I was desperately looking for a program to stretch…professionalism, knowledge, she’s an expert.”






            Get Healthy with Hanifa!

            **Exciting News**
            omplete wellness for a Christian includes mind, body, and spirit –  We are now including Hanifa’s holistic nutrition and lifestyle webinars as part of your Wholyfit Monthly Membership. Anyone who is not a current Instructor/Member is able to purchase this monthly program for only $1.99.

            Hanifa is a WholyFit Instructor, Mentor, and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. With close to 20 years as a certified fitness professional, Hanifa Yip has been helping people of all ages and experiences. She holds certifications in group fitness, personal training, and fitness programming for medical and special populations through NASM, ACE, YMCA/YWCA, Wholyfit, and Urban Poling. As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Hanifa makes nutritional recommendations to clients/patients with a variety of conditions, including arthritis, chronic fatigue, and Lyme.  If you are interested in speaking with Hanifa, follow the link below. 

            Ready to Persue Your Calling?

            Answer the divine calling to lead others through their healing and uplifting journey as a certified WholyFit Fitness Instructor. The course equips you with unwavering education, powerful tools, and a supportive community.  Step into your purpose of spreading God’s healing grace through our Christ-centered fitness program.