
Testimonials from real people about WholyFit real fitness!

WholyFit allows me to combine my two passions in life, exercise and Jesus!

WholyFit allows me to combine my two passions in life, exercise and Jesus! Being a busy working mom of four young children, the online training allowed the timing flexibility my schedule needed. The information learned through WholyFit’s Silver Certification course had me, a brand new fitness instructor, so knowledgable and confident that I started offering classes at my church just 1-week after certification completion. What a blessing!

Meredith Juengel, WholyFit Gold Certified InstructorNorth Carolina

Pastoral Recommendation

I deeply appreciate Laura Monica’s commitment to offering an alternative to yoga. I fully understand how the practice of yoga can carry a person into deep spiritual deception. I see Laura Monica as a Spirit-empowered missionary in a world full of new age ideas. She offers clarity on issues that desperately need to be addressed with reason, intelligence and compassion. Surely God has brought her into the Kingdom for such a time as this. Mike Shreve, Pastor Sanctuary Church, Founder of True Light Ministries, Tennessee

WholyFit Video Workouts

This is truly a wonderful DVD. It has a nice flow that was easy to follow the first time. I have fibromyalgia and was looking for an alternative to yoga and this is it! It helps you stretch and strengthen your body while listening to wonderful scriptures being read and relaxing music. I’m looking forward to ordering the other DVD’s that they offer.

Heidi Clifton

WholyFit Retreats

Gold (Advanced WholyFit Certification) retreat wasn’t just about learning how to teach layer 2 or listening to how yoga is dangerous for a Christian. WholyFit is a calling, and that was evident last week. We were all there on purpose. The Holy Spirit was also there on purpose and His presence was felt in every room, every restaurant, every hallway I walked in. I am so grateful that I got to be part of this experience. There was a boat in the harbor, not visible from our windows, called Faith Adventure. I’ve tried keeping that in the back of my mind since coming back home. I am, we are, on a Faith Adventure through Christ. I don’t know where it’s going, but my seatbelt is on! My prayer is that everyone touched by WholyFit is filled with the spirit and the faith to carry out what God has planned just for them.

Jennifer, WholyFit Certified Instructor

We just need to say “Yes Lord!” when He asks us to join in...

Be encouraged that you don’t need to have it all figured out! It really is His ministry, we just need to say “Yes Lord!” when He asks us to join in. Thank you Laura and the rest of the WF team, for all the time and energy you have given to teaching and equipping the rest of us to reach out to the church and the world through WholyFit. After Gold Retreat: I can’t stop thinking about the meaning of WholyFit that The Lord showed you. Our physical bodies and human natures are definitely made of clay. But how wonderful that His desire is to refine us on the inside, our hearts and minds and character, to be precious metals. Gifts and offerings fitting for our King! The urging I felt to pray to declare Jesus as King of the retreat and of our hearts just so goes along with what you shared. It was so great to review The Armor of God routine again. Asking to be equipped with God’s strength and protection and purpose. Trusting and knowing that He will give us everything we need to face any circumstance. Answering the question again in the Yoga vs The Bible session: who’s side are you on? We choose to be in God’s army, aligning ourselves with His will and perfect plan of redemption. WholyFit helps me do that personally and gives me a way to encourage others to do the same. I love that He is still revealing new things to you about His plan with WholyFit. Be encouraged that you don’t need to have it all figured out! It really is His ministry, we just need to say “Yes Lord!” when He asks us to join in. Thank you Laura and the rest of the WF team, for all the time and energy you have given to teaching and equipping the rest of us to reach out to the church and the world through WholyFit. I must tell you all how much of a gift it was to be able to attend the Gold Retreat last week. I have returned home encouraged and uplifted from spending time with like minded and like hearted new and seasoned WholyFit instructors. I am emboldened and enriched from hearing from The Lord and His Word lifted up in praise and worship and prayer. I am inspired from hearing all the testimonies of how each new instructor has been called to WholyFit in their own unique way and gifting. I am privileged to have had the experience of being allowed to help the Silvers learn layers 2&3 and encourage them to grow in their confidence and abilities as teachers. I am excited to incorporate all the new moves and cues we learned in the workouts and being able to get off my mat and give more one on one attention to my participants. I am challenged to grow in my faith and daily relationship with God so that I can share it more authentically and generously with those who come to my class. I am so thankful to be part of a life changing ministry with leaders who care about what God cares about -people’s hearts, not money or worldly achievements. I pray that each one of you will be able to go to a Gold Retreat in the future- you will not be disappointed!

Marellie Wiebe, WholyFit Certified Instructor

How Beautiful is Our Lord

(A fellow instructor) stopped me on my way out tonight. She said, ‘I know this is going to sound weird’… ‘I think I am supposed to bless your feet.’ My feet? Before I could respond she is on the floor with a hand on each foot praying Scripture that I shod my feet with the Gospel of peace – she prayed for my ministry of sharing the Gospel with the lost. I just praised God because she hadn’t known I was crying over the lost (in yoga.) How beautiful is our Lord … not only was I blessed, but the women around me were blessed.

T. M., WholyFit Certified Instructor at Retreat

Your Ministry Has Blessed Me

Thank you so much, Laura! Your ministry has blessed me so much over the last many years. 7 years ago God brought me down a path of illness and loss of life as I had known it, yet at the same time He put the dream of WholyFit ministry in my heart. I keep praying for God’s direction in how He wants me to use this ministry. As of yet, even 10 minutes of exercise is more than my chronically sick body can handle daily, but I trust God for healing. As I wait for His perfect time, I will let Him grow me and prepare me. Thank you for letting Jesus shine through you!

YouTube Subscriber October 2022

After a Pilates-induced neck injury, I found myself searching...

As a life-long ballet dancer, I’ve never been a disciplined exerciser. But, as I got older I knew I needed to supplement my weekly dance class to stay in shape. After a Pilates-induced neck injury, I found myself searching again. Then I discovered WholyFit and knew it was for me! The exercises are safe and gentle, and can be modified for those with back and neck pain. I love the beauty & worshipful postures and the way I feel after class!

Karalyn Tresh, WholyFit Coach & Platinum Certified Instructor, Michigan

I hope to reach others in my church

6 years ago I was introduced to WholyFit, through my church. We had instructions for about 3 months. I loved the program, so I purchased the DVD’s and posture cards. My baby sister and I would discuss the benefits of WholyFit while she had her 24-hour for 3 day chemo at M.D. Anderson.  After she passed, I felt the need to become an instructor and give the Lord my time and energy.  I have another sister now facing cancer. She sat through one of my classes and the scripture we used made her start thinking about the spiritual battle going on in the world. Hopefully through WholyFit others will memorize and meditate upon God’s  word. I hope to reach others in my church, who have no life group and help them to improve their bodies, which is the Holy Spirit’s dwelling place. I feel like this is the gift God has given to me so that  I can be a witness for  Him.

Carolyn Yates, WholyFit Instructor, TX

WholyFit Video Workouts

As a personal trainer, it is nice to give clients the option to do workouts on their own. I have personally participated exercising using the Wholyfit DVD. This mind, body, and spirit workout is far more than I could have expected. It is great to know that there is a safe way for Christians to get this type of exercise. The instruction is clear and beautiful; using scripture to guide us through the spiritual journey of fitness for Christ. Please Make More!

Jamie, Personal Trainer

This retreat was much more than certification for me...

There was fellowship, worship, prayer, friendship, sweat, tears, laughter, hugs, wisdom, amazing teaching, instruction, correction, love, care, patience, mental energy, Holy Spirit and most of all Jesus was the central focus. After Gold Retreat: Ironic that as I write my gold retreat testimony that my devotional today reads ‘ Seeds & Soils’ . Even though many times I will say to God ‘ no not me pick someone else, you couldn’t possibly think that I could do this?, ‘ the Lord is teaching me that the fruit of the spirit grows in the soil of obedience. The Lord Jesus used an illustration in which He compared different types of ground to a person’s response to Gods Word (Matt. 13) Some seeds were eaten by the birds, others started to grow but were choked by the weeds, and some grew instantly but had no soil to further their growth. But the seeds that fell on the good soil “yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty” (v.8). I absolutely love when one surrenders to what God is willing for our life and the results are so much better than what one could have planned. This was Gold Retreat for me. There was fellowship, worship, prayer, friendship, sweat, tears, laughter, hugs, wisdom, amazing teaching, instruction, correction, love, care, patience, mental energy, Holy Spirit and most of all Jesus was the central focus. I really do feel that I have been handed gold on a silver platter. Thank you to all the dedicated and patient Wholyfit teachers and volunteers that put so much time, focus and energy into delivering such a worthwhile and needy ministry- I feel I can now call you family:) And thank you to all my fellow classmates ( now Gold instructors) your love, support and individual stories are so inspiring. This retreat was much more than certification for me it was about learning to trust God with the treasure he has placed in my hands. What a blessing to be able to honor, worship and glorify him through an exercise fellowship. I was literally stretched physically, mentally and spiritually. As I am now back in Australia and reflecting upon my Solo adventure all through California I know that I was never alone…. and I now have a new extended family:)

Carla Calisto, WholyFit Certified Trainer, Australia

Can not tell you how much I appreciate this group of believers!!!

Convinced more than ever that people are searching for something that combines faith with fitness… not a product and not a service  …You can get certified in other systems or become a personal trainer in one day – pay your fee and that’s it.  But we had to go through extensive training on anatomy, technique AND most importantly doctrine – yoga vs Bible…to be unapologetically set apart. So for the handful of ladies who visited me today saying they might want to teach it – I was sooooo proud to be part of this community… Can not tell you how much I appreciate this group of believers!!!

LG, WholyFit Retreat Attender

This DVD is incredible...

Thank God He lead me to WholyFit! This DVD is incredible, with steps to take you from beginner to advanced safely, while incorporating scripture and worship. After experiencing the physical benefits of power yoga via fitness videos, I felt confident to take an actual yoga class locally. I realized very quickly, however, that I was compromising my faith. At the end of each class, we were asked to “float our consciousness” above our bodies. After several weeks of just praying over myself during this part of the class, I realized I was treading in scary territory. That is when I begun my search for an alternative program with similar physical results. And thank God He lead me to WholyFit! This DVD is incredible, with steps to take you from beginner to advanced safely, while incorporating scripture and worship. Beautiful music, peaceful setting, “real” people. It is professional and sincere. I recommend this to anyone looking for ways to strengthen their bodies in safe way, physically and spiritually.

J. Theiss, WholyFit Video Purchaser

The Exercises Are Safe and Gentle

As a life-long ballet dancer, I’ve never been a disciplined exerciser. But, as I got older I knew I needed to supplement my weekly dance class to stay in shape. After a Pilates-induced neck injury, I found myself searching again. Then I discovered WholyFit and knew it was for me! The exercises are safe and gentle, and can be modified for those with back and neck pain. I love the beauty & worshipful postures and the way I feel after class!

WholyFit Coach & Platinum Certified Instructor, Michigan

Karalyn Tresh

WholyFit allows me to combine my two passions in life, exercise and Jesus!

WholyFit allows me to combine my two passions in life, exercise and Jesus! Being a busy working mom of four young children, the online training allowed the timing flexibility my schedule needed. The information learned through WholyFit’s Silver Certification course had me, a brand new fitness instructor, so knowledgable and confident that I started offering classes at my church just 1-week after certification completion. What a blessing!

Meredith Juengel, WholyFit Gold Certified InstructorNorth Carolina

Pastoral Recommendation

I deeply appreciate Laura Monica’s commitment to offering an alternative to yoga. I fully understand how the practice of yoga can carry a person into deep spiritual deception. I see Laura Monica as a Spirit-empowered missionary in a world full of new age ideas. She offers clarity on issues that desperately need to be addressed with reason, intelligence and compassion. Surely God has brought her into the Kingdom for such a time as this. Mike Shreve, Pastor Sanctuary Church, Founder of True Light Ministries, Tennessee

WholyFit Video Workouts

This is truly a wonderful DVD. It has a nice flow that was easy to follow the first time. I have fibromyalgia and was looking for an alternative to yoga and this is it! It helps you stretch and strengthen your body while listening to wonderful scriptures being read and relaxing music. I’m looking forward to ordering the other DVD’s that they offer.

Heidi Clifton

WholyFit Retreats

Gold (Advanced WholyFit Certification) retreat wasn’t just about learning how to teach layer 2 or listening to how yoga is dangerous for a Christian. WholyFit is a calling, and that was evident last week. We were all there on purpose. The Holy Spirit was also there on purpose and His presence was felt in every room, every restaurant, every hallway I walked in. I am so grateful that I got to be part of this experience. There was a boat in the harbor, not visible from our windows, called Faith Adventure. I’ve tried keeping that in the back of my mind since coming back home. I am, we are, on a Faith Adventure through Christ. I don’t know where it’s going, but my seatbelt is on! My prayer is that everyone touched by WholyFit is filled with the spirit and the faith to carry out what God has planned just for them.

Jennifer, WholyFit Certified Instructor

We just need to say “Yes Lord!” when He asks us to join in...

Be encouraged that you don’t need to have it all figured out! It really is His ministry, we just need to say “Yes Lord!” when He asks us to join in. Thank you Laura and the rest of the WF team, for all the time and energy you have given to teaching and equipping the rest of us to reach out to the church and the world through WholyFit. After Gold Retreat: I can’t stop thinking about the meaning of WholyFit that The Lord showed you. Our physical bodies and human natures are definitely made of clay. But how wonderful that His desire is to refine us on the inside, our hearts and minds and character, to be precious metals. Gifts and offerings fitting for our King! The urging I felt to pray to declare Jesus as King of the retreat and of our hearts just so goes along with what you shared. It was so great to review The Armor of God routine again. Asking to be equipped with God’s strength and protection and purpose. Trusting and knowing that He will give us everything we need to face any circumstance. Answering the question again in the Yoga vs The Bible session: who’s side are you on? We choose to be in God’s army, aligning ourselves with His will and perfect plan of redemption. WholyFit helps me do that personally and gives me a way to encourage others to do the same. I love that He is still revealing new things to you about His plan with WholyFit. Be encouraged that you don’t need to have it all figured out! It really is His ministry, we just need to say “Yes Lord!” when He asks us to join in. Thank you Laura and the rest of the WF team, for all the time and energy you have given to teaching and equipping the rest of us to reach out to the church and the world through WholyFit. I must tell you all how much of a gift it was to be able to attend the Gold Retreat last week. I have returned home encouraged and uplifted from spending time with like minded and like hearted new and seasoned WholyFit instructors. I am emboldened and enriched from hearing from The Lord and His Word lifted up in praise and worship and prayer. I am inspired from hearing all the testimonies of how each new instructor has been called to WholyFit in their own unique way and gifting. I am privileged to have had the experience of being allowed to help the Silvers learn layers 2&3 and encourage them to grow in their confidence and abilities as teachers. I am excited to incorporate all the new moves and cues we learned in the workouts and being able to get off my mat and give more one on one attention to my participants. I am challenged to grow in my faith and daily relationship with God so that I can share it more authentically and generously with those who come to my class. I am so thankful to be part of a life changing ministry with leaders who care about what God cares about -people’s hearts, not money or worldly achievements. I pray that each one of you will be able to go to a Gold Retreat in the future- you will not be disappointed!

Marellie Wiebe, WholyFit Certified Instructor

How Beautiful is Our Lord

(A fellow instructor) stopped me on my way out tonight. She said, ‘I know this is going to sound weird’… ‘I think I am supposed to bless your feet.’ My feet? Before I could respond she is on the floor with a hand on each foot praying Scripture that I shod my feet with the Gospel of peace – she prayed for my ministry of sharing the Gospel with the lost. I just praised God because she hadn’t known I was crying over the lost (in yoga.) How beautiful is our Lord … not only was I blessed, but the women around me were blessed.

T. M., WholyFit Certified Instructor at Retreat

Your Ministry Has Blessed Me

Thank you so much, Laura! Your ministry has blessed me so much over the last many years. 7 years ago God brought me down a path of illness and loss of life as I had known it, yet at the same time He put the dream of WholyFit ministry in my heart. I keep praying for God’s direction in how He wants me to use this ministry. As of yet, even 10 minutes of exercise is more than my chronically sick body can handle daily, but I trust God for healing. As I wait for His perfect time, I will let Him grow me and prepare me. Thank you for letting Jesus shine through you!

YouTube Subscriber October 2022

After a Pilates-induced neck injury, I found myself searching...

As a life-long ballet dancer, I’ve never been a disciplined exerciser. But, as I got older I knew I needed to supplement my weekly dance class to stay in shape. After a Pilates-induced neck injury, I found myself searching again. Then I discovered WholyFit and knew it was for me! The exercises are safe and gentle, and can be modified for those with back and neck pain. I love the beauty & worshipful postures and the way I feel after class!

Karalyn Tresh, WholyFit Coach & Platinum Certified Instructor, Michigan

I hope to reach others in my church

6 years ago I was introduced to WholyFit, through my church. We had instructions for about 3 months. I loved the program, so I purchased the DVD’s and posture cards. My baby sister and I would discuss the benefits of WholyFit while she had her 24-hour for 3 day chemo at M.D. Anderson.  After she passed, I felt the need to become an instructor and give the Lord my time and energy.  I have another sister now facing cancer. She sat through one of my classes and the scripture we used made her start thinking about the spiritual battle going on in the world. Hopefully through WholyFit others will memorize and meditate upon God’s  word. I hope to reach others in my church, who have no life group and help them to improve their bodies, which is the Holy Spirit’s dwelling place. I feel like this is the gift God has given to me so that  I can be a witness for  Him.

Carolyn Yates, WholyFit Instructor, TX

WholyFit Video Workouts

As a personal trainer, it is nice to give clients the option to do workouts on their own. I have personally participated exercising using the Wholyfit DVD. This mind, body, and spirit workout is far more than I could have expected. It is great to know that there is a safe way for Christians to get this type of exercise. The instruction is clear and beautiful; using scripture to guide us through the spiritual journey of fitness for Christ. Please Make More!

Jamie, Personal Trainer

This retreat was much more than certification for me...

There was fellowship, worship, prayer, friendship, sweat, tears, laughter, hugs, wisdom, amazing teaching, instruction, correction, love, care, patience, mental energy, Holy Spirit and most of all Jesus was the central focus. After Gold Retreat: Ironic that as I write my gold retreat testimony that my devotional today reads ‘ Seeds & Soils’ . Even though many times I will say to God ‘ no not me pick someone else, you couldn’t possibly think that I could do this?, ‘ the Lord is teaching me that the fruit of the spirit grows in the soil of obedience. The Lord Jesus used an illustration in which He compared different types of ground to a person’s response to Gods Word (Matt. 13) Some seeds were eaten by the birds, others started to grow but were choked by the weeds, and some grew instantly but had no soil to further their growth. But the seeds that fell on the good soil “yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty” (v.8). I absolutely love when one surrenders to what God is willing for our life and the results are so much better than what one could have planned. This was Gold Retreat for me. There was fellowship, worship, prayer, friendship, sweat, tears, laughter, hugs, wisdom, amazing teaching, instruction, correction, love, care, patience, mental energy, Holy Spirit and most of all Jesus was the central focus. I really do feel that I have been handed gold on a silver platter. Thank you to all the dedicated and patient Wholyfit teachers and volunteers that put so much time, focus and energy into delivering such a worthwhile and needy ministry- I feel I can now call you family:) And thank you to all my fellow classmates ( now Gold instructors) your love, support and individual stories are so inspiring. This retreat was much more than certification for me it was about learning to trust God with the treasure he has placed in my hands. What a blessing to be able to honor, worship and glorify him through an exercise fellowship. I was literally stretched physically, mentally and spiritually. As I am now back in Australia and reflecting upon my Solo adventure all through California I know that I was never alone…. and I now have a new extended family:)

Carla Calisto, WholyFit Certified Trainer, Australia

Can not tell you how much I appreciate this group of believers!!!

Convinced more than ever that people are searching for something that combines faith with fitness… not a product and not a service  …You can get certified in other systems or become a personal trainer in one day – pay your fee and that’s it.  But we had to go through extensive training on anatomy, technique AND most importantly doctrine – yoga vs Bible…to be unapologetically set apart. So for the handful of ladies who visited me today saying they might want to teach it – I was sooooo proud to be part of this community… Can not tell you how much I appreciate this group of believers!!!

LG, WholyFit Retreat Attender

This DVD is incredible...

Thank God He lead me to WholyFit! This DVD is incredible, with steps to take you from beginner to advanced safely, while incorporating scripture and worship. After experiencing the physical benefits of power yoga via fitness videos, I felt confident to take an actual yoga class locally. I realized very quickly, however, that I was compromising my faith. At the end of each class, we were asked to “float our consciousness” above our bodies. After several weeks of just praying over myself during this part of the class, I realized I was treading in scary territory. That is when I begun my search for an alternative program with similar physical results. And thank God He lead me to WholyFit! This DVD is incredible, with steps to take you from beginner to advanced safely, while incorporating scripture and worship. Beautiful music, peaceful setting, “real” people. It is professional and sincere. I recommend this to anyone looking for ways to strengthen their bodies in safe way, physically and spiritually.

J. Theiss, WholyFit Video Purchaser

The Exercises Are Safe and Gentle

As a life-long ballet dancer, I’ve never been a disciplined exerciser. But, as I got older I knew I needed to supplement my weekly dance class to stay in shape. After a Pilates-induced neck injury, I found myself searching again. Then I discovered WholyFit and knew it was for me! The exercises are safe and gentle, and can be modified for those with back and neck pain. I love the beauty & worshipful postures and the way I feel after class!

WholyFit Coach & Platinum Certified Instructor, Michigan

Karalyn Tresh